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FDLP: 40 Years at Jefferson College: Celebrate & Learn

This guide provides information about the Federal Depository Library Program at Jefferson College and 40th Anniversary Events.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Jefferson College's participation in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), we've teamed up with the College's Performing Arts and Cultural Enrichment (PACE) program to offer events to help us celebrate and learn more about the United States, our history and shared cultures, and how the FDLP can provide everyone with government information from the fundamentals to the fun!

November 7th--Prices & Wages by Decade an Online Presentation with Marie Concannon

“Prices and Wages by Decade” an online presentation by University of Missouri Librarian, Marie Concannon, Head, Government Information & Data Archives.

 The Prices and Wages by Decade website is used by researchers and scholars around the world. This prize-winning resource points to prices and wages found in primary sources for each decade back to the 1700s.  Join us to learn more.

Prices & Wages by Decade: Marie Concannon
Thursday, November 7 · 2:00 – 3:00pm
Time zone: America/Chicago
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 318-536-1017‬ PIN: ‪753 986 201‬#
More phone numbers:

Welcome to GPO

Director of Library Services & FDLP Librarian

Profile Photo
Lisa Pritchard
Jefferson College Library
1000 Viking Drive
Hillsboro, MO 63050
636-481- 3160 or
Image of goverment documents, including the Constitution and Presential papers of Harry Truman.
Image of document noting Jefferson College entry into the FDLP program, maps, citizenship test materials, and other items in the collection..
Images of people celebrating Constitution Day at the Library and images of the 30th FDLP anniversary celebration that included a bald eagle visit.

FDLP Events 2024-2025

Federal Depository Library Program

     Jefferson College Library is a congressionally designated selective depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law (U.S.C. Title 44, Sections 1710 and 1711).

     The Federal Depository Library Program was established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government’s information. GPO administers the FDLP on behalf of the participating libraries and the public. Information products from the Federal Government are disseminated to these nationwide libraries that, in turn, ensure the American public has free access to the materials, both in print and online. The official version of launched in December 2018 and was developed to provide free access to government information from all three branches of the Federal Government.

Access to the print collection and use of our public access computers are both available during all hours of operation. Chat reference assistance is available during additional evening, weekend, and holiday hours. For a list of days closed, regular, chat, and special hours see our HOURS page.